Public Service Announcement - Sam Stecher

Greetings #MissionMonday family,

This isn’t exactly part of what MissionMonday does. Not directly anyway. But since I thought it was important enough to share with my own staff and community, it’s probably worth sharing with you all as well. What follows is the notifications I sent my staff today.

Greetings educators,

I wanted you to know I received an unusual and concerning phone call today. I thought it best that I share this information with our staff so we can protect ourselves and our homes from similar threats. A rather irate sounding citizen called to report some of our students had been trick-or-treating in a neighboring community. It seems two delinquents presented themselves at the irate sounding citizen's door to trick-or-treat last night. Since the irate sounding citizen didn't know them an inquiry was posed. The ruffians identified themselves as our students. When asked why they were trick-or-treating in a neighboring community rather than their own, the miscreants said they did not have the opportunity to trick-or-treat in their own community due to attending the out of town play off football game on Halloween. To that end they thought it best to give trick-or-treating in this community, hosting our play off game, a try. The irate sounding citizen expressed the reprobates were too old to be trick-or-treating and that, regardless of age, they should limit such activities their own town.

I let the irate sounding citizen know that if I could be provided with a description of the degenerate offenders I would be happy to seek them out and dispense immediate and severe corrective measures in response to this heinous offense.

The irate sounding citizen responded with "The girl didn't have any sort of costume. The boy was something fuzzy. Maybe a bunny. Both real respectful kids. Guess it's not the worse thing that could happen."

When I said "I'll do my best to track them down and make sure this doesn't happen again next halloween" the irate sounding citizen became less irate, laughed, and said this was an enjoyable conversation.

Unfortunately, unless local law enforcement can present me with some DNA evidence I fear that this investigation will result in a cold case file and these atrocious acts may spread to surrounding communities. As next Halloween quickly approaches please be vigilant and ready to defend yourself against respectful, possibly teenaged trick-or-treaters, who may or may not be wearing a fuzzy costume, perhaps a bunny.